"if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen
the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu.
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Gurpreet Singh

Cofounder and Director of Radical Desi


The Vancouver-based online magazine that covers alternative politics has picked a well-known human rights defender as Person of the Year 2022.  

The late Ajit Singh Bains passed away on February 11, leaving behind a rich legacy of tireless work for social justice.  

He would have turned 100 on May 14 this year.  

Close to his birth centenary, Radical Desi announced that he would be its Person of the Year for his dedication to the cause of human rights.  

Bains, a retired judge, had stood for the people of Punjab who witnessed gross human rights abuses by the police and paramilitary forces during a decade-long insurgency by Sikh militants seeking a separate homeland between 1980s-1990s.  

He had advocated for the release of innocent civilians detained in the name of the so-called war on terror. and had investigated and documented cases of extra-judicial killings and other forms of state sponsored violence. For doing so, he was also detained by the authorities to instill fear in the minds of human rights activists.

Gurpreet Singh  

This year’s Mother’s Day must have been the hardest for 92-year-old Anusaya Teltumbde. She has not recovered from the recent loss of her insurgent son, while the other one is locked up in jail for the past two years.  

Milind Teltumbde, a Maoist leader, was gunned down by the police in November 2021, while Anand, his elder brother, a well known columnist and author, continues to be incarcerated under trumped up charges for questioning the power and standing up for the poor and marginalised.  

Anand Teltumbde happens to be the grandson-in-law of an undisputed Dalit icon, the architect of the Indian constitution Dr. B.R.Ambedkar. Ironically, he was arrested on the birthday of Ambedkar in 2020, while the entire nation, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi were paying tokenistic respect to him.  

When Milind died, Anand was not even given bereavement leave to visit his mom.  

Rama, the granddaughter of Ambedkar and the wife of Anand, told this writer on Mother’s Day that she doesn’t even know that her eldest son is in jail. “She believes that he is stuck somewhere abroad where he had gone for a guest lecture because of COVID 19”. In fact, he has travelled abroad in the past and visited Vancouver in 2016.  

In such difficult times, Rama and Anusaya are struggling everyday, with special bonding rooted in the ideology of Ambedkar. According to Rama, even though Anusaya is unlettered, born in a marginalized family of landless labourers belonging to the Dalit or so called untouchable community, she tried to provide the best of education to all her eight children.  

Anusaya was influenced by Ambedkar, who wanted the Dalits to educate themselves and fight against caste-based discrimination within the Hindu society. She attended Ambedkar’s historic congregation in Nagpur in 1956, where he renounced Hinduism to embrace Buddhism. 

As a result, she resolved to educate her kids by spending half of her income from labour on their schooling.   

“Anand credits his mother for what he has earned in terms of fame as an established writer and educator,” says Rama.  

Since Anusaya had lost another son in 2009, losing the second one last year came as a major shock, even as Anand remains out of sight.  

He used to call her from inside the prison once a while to assure that he is fine. Beyond that, everyone in the family keeps consoling her that he would be back soon, once the pandemic is over and travel restrictions are eased.

Members of the Punjabi Press Club of British Columbia (PPCBC) came out to hold a rally against growing repression of journalists in India on Tuesday, May 3.  

Held at Holland Park in Surrey on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the rally was attended by Mayor Dough McCallum and City Councillor Mandeep Nagra, besides BC Federation of Labour Secretary-Treasurer Sussanne Skidmore. The three all addressed the gathering and strongly condemned the attack on press freedom.   

Special messages of solidarity with the media from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and MPs Sukh Dhaliwal and Parm Bains, were also read out by the organizers.  

The event started with the Canadian national anthem and a moment of silence for journalists who laid down their lives in the line of their duty globally.  

The speakers were unanimous in their demand for the release of jailed journalists in India, and halting physical and mental harassment of media persons by the people in power and their supporters.  

They agreed that female journalists remain more vulnerable under a right wing government in New Delhi.  

Slogans in support of press freedom were also raised by the participants.   

Those who spoke on the occasion were PPCBC President Baljinder Kaur, the group's former Presidents Gurvinder Singh Dhaliwal and Jarnail Singh Artist, the cofounder of the club, Gurpreet Singh Sahota, the secretary Khuspal Gill, and veteran member Kuldeep Singh. Gurpreet Singh, the publisher of Radical Desi, an online magazine, also said a few words.


Gurpreet Singh 

Pawan Guru, Paani Pita, Mata Dharat Mahatt (Air is the guide, Water is the father, the earth is a mother)”.             

That’s the message of Guru Nanak, the founder of one of the most progressive and modern religions of the world.  

While everyone across the globe celebrated Earth Day recently, the idea of respecting nature was never alien to the followers of Sikhism, the faith that was started by Nanak. 

Born in 1469, Nanak travelled widely to different parts of the world. He said those verses more than 500 years ago, and they continue to be chanted by Sikhs in their daily prayer. For a practising Sikh, every day is the Earth Day, not just April 22.   

Considering the growing threat to our livelihood and future because of climate change and environmental emergencies, his message has become even more relevant, not only for the Sikhs, but the entire human race. However, the Punjab, which is the homeland of Sikhs in India, is losing forest cover rapidly. This reflects that we are all paying lip service by celebrating such occasions, including the birth anniversary of Nanak, instead of putting such meaningful and sacred words into action.  It is a separate matter that some well-read Sikh preachers in Punjab continue to remind people of their spiritual duty towards the environment. 

In 1999, a historical Gurdwara in Anandpur Sahib began the tradition of giving free saplings to devotees, to encourage them to grow trees in their homes or fields.  

Interestingly, our Canadian politicians, who do not forget to congratulate Sikhs on Guru Nanak’s birthday (which actually falls in April, but traditionally celebrated in November), will be at pains to explain - what have they done to fix the problem faced by Mother Earth? They have turned these moments into mere rituals. Earth Day too is just another photo opportunity for them to score a point, with nothing concrete to show on their report card.  

It’s a shame that they are not even listening to the Indigenous peoples, who are the true adherents of the philosophy of Nanak and the stewards of the land. Much like Sikhs, they consider Earth as Mother, and not a means of production.  

It’s time that the Sikhs, the Indigenous communities, and environmentalists come together to make people in power accountable for melting glaciers, rising sea levels and climbing temperatures. That they are forced to take to the streets to oppose controversial projects, such as the Trans-Mountain pipeline or the logging of old growth forests, which have long term consequences for our already vulnerable environment, says a lot about our leaders and their true intentions.   

Nanak’s message is a reminder that Earth Day isn’t just a one day event. We have an obligation to stand up for her every time a challenge arises in the name of development for the benefit of a few.  



A Vancouver-based online magazine has started another campaign for the jailed Indian scholar.

Radical Desi had previously initiated a petition for the release of Prof. G.N. Saibaba, who is being incarcerated under brutal conditions in spite of being disabled below the waist. Now it has begun an online petition asking for the Nobel prize in recognition of his advocacy for the poor and marginalized.(https://www.change.org/p/nobel-prize-for-gn-saibaba)      

Wheelchair-bound Saibaba, who is suffering with multiple ailments, was first arrested in May 2014 and thrown into the jail after being slapped with trumped up charges for defending the rights of the Adivasis - the indigenous peoples of India who are being evicted from their traditional lands by the extraction industry with the backing of the Indian state. In 2017, he was convicted for life by the courts after being labelled as a Maoist sympathizer.

Since then Saibaba has been repeatedly denied bail or parole on medical and compassionate grounds, even as his health continued to worsen during the pandemic. He was not even allowed to see his mother on her death bed or attend her funeral. The Indian government remains adamant, even after thousands of people in Canada signed a petition seeking his release. The matter has also been raised in the United Nations.

His situation is no different than the late Nelson Mandela, a towering leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, who was also denied an opportunity to attend the funerals of his mother and a son during his long detention. Mandela received the Nobel Prize in 1993, after his release, for standing up for the underdog. Following in Mandela's footsteps by constantly raising his voice against repression and injustice in the world’s so called largest democracy, Saibaba deserves similar honour by the international community.

South Asians came together to pay tributes to those who laid down their lives during a peaceful protest against the British occupation of India in 1919, at the annual commemorative event held in Surrey on Wednesday, April 13.  

Organized by Mehak Punjab Di TV in partnership with Radical Desi, an online magazine that covers alternative politics, the vigil is aimed at educating people about the massacre of supporters of the passive resistance movement against colonialism. Close to 1,000 people died when British troops opened fire on the demonstrators, who had gathered to oppose repressive laws at the Jallianwala Bagh public park in Amritsar 103 years ago.  

The ugly episode was recognized on its centenary by the BC government in 2019, following a sustained campaign by the organizers of the vigil. While the vigil has been attended in the past by the current Chief Minister of Punjab Bhagwant Mann, the participants nevertheless condemned Mann and other Indian politicians for not only failing to protect human rights of the people in post-British India, but also denounced those indulging in blatant abuse of civil rights. They raised slogans against growing state violence and draconian laws under the current right wing Hindu nationalist regime in New Delhi, and demanded the release of political prisoners and withdrawal of barbaric Acts being used to suppress the right to dissent. 

The event started with a moment of silence in memory of Ajit Singh Bains, a retired judge-turned human rights defender who passed away early this year, leaving behind a rich legacy of struggle for social justice. Bains was in the forefront of the fight for the rights of Sikh political prisoners in Punjab and was vocal against misuse of police power.  

The fliers drafted by a Gandhian activist, Vipin Kumar Tripathi, who is a strong advocate for secularism and diversity, were also distributed on the occasion. Tripathi has been raising his voice against growing attacks on religious minorities in India and had prepared a special message to promote harmony during Ramadan and Navratri; the two auspicious occasions for Muslims and Hindus.  

Those who spoke on the occasion included prominent Punjabi poet Amrit Diwana, elderly Sikh activist Kesar Singh Baghi, well known broadcaster Gurvinder Singh Dhaliwal, anti-racism educators and activists Imtiaz Popat and Annie Ohana, besides retired trade unionist Larry Johnston. Kamaljit Singh Thind and Gurpreet Singh from Mehak Punjab Di TV and Radical Desi respectively also addressed the gathering.


In a historic move, the NDP government in Victoria has recognized April as Dalit History Month.  

Responding to an application moved by Radical Desi, an online magazine that covers alternative politics, the provincial Attorney General and the Lt. Governor signed the proclamation declaring April 2022 as “Dalit History Month”.   

Dalits, the oppressed community of India, are often treated as “untouchables” by the so-called upper castes of Indian society according to the brutal caste system practiced by orthodox Hindus.   

Since April is the birthday month of a towering Dalit leader and world renowned scholar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, it has a special significance for Dalits across the globe.  

Also, the month of April is important because of the birthdays and death anniversaries of other Dalit icons, such Jyotirao Phule, Mangu Ram Mugowalia and Sant Ram Udasi.  

Both Ambedkar and Phule were born in Maharashtra. 

Ambedkar was the architect of the Indian constitution, and fought the caste-based discrimination against his community. Born in Maharashtra on April 14, 1891, he also stood up for the rights of women, and challenged Hindu supremacy.  

Phule, a well-respected social reformer who denounced untouchability, was born on April 11, 1827. He was known as an educator, who believed in scientific thinking and women empowerment.   

Mugowalia and Udasi, on the other hand, hailed from Punjab.  Mugowalia, who had participated in an armed resistance against the British occupation of India, was instrumental behind the Dalit emancipation movement in Punjab. He died on April 22, 1980.  

Udasi was a revolutionary poet, born on April 20, 1939. He was influenced by communist revolution and later became an inspiration for the poor working class and those resisting repression.  

The BC proclamation not only recognizes these individuals, but also acknowledges “the strength and resiliency of the Dalit community in overcoming hardships and advocating for social justice and equality for all”.   

Spice Radio’s initiative got a major boost from none other than the Former Green Party Leader on Tuesday, March 8.  

Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands Elizabeth May described Hands Against Racism as “inspiring” in her tweet.  

May, who has previously served as the Leader of Green Party of Canada, has been vocal on environmental racism and climate justice. She was a dedicated activist before jumping into politics and has 326.6 K followers on Twitter.   

Started by Burnaby-based radio station on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. in 2015, the anti-racism campaign continues to grow as it enters its eighth year. The annual event coincides with Holi, an Indian festival of colours. Participants are encouraged to dip their hands in wet colours and leave their palm prints alongside a message against bigotry on a white sheet of paper.  Due to COVID 19 restrictions, the annual event is being held online since 2020. The campaign runs through January 15 to March 21, the international day for the elimination of racial discrimination.     

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and BC Premier John Horgan have already endorsed it in the past, and New Democratic federal leader Jagmeet Singh has also participated.   



Gurpreet Singh  


Premier John Horgan and opposition leader Kevin Falcon might disagree on number of issues, but the recent developments in faraway Ukraine have brought them on the same page.  

In light of the Russian attack on an Eastern European nation, Falcon asked for banning Russian vodka from BC liquor stores. Horgan did not waste his time and promptly agreed. The two political rivals were then happy to pat themselves on their backs for scoring a point by standing up for the rights of Ukrainians.  

Canadian politicians of all stripes are almost unanimous in their criticism of “tyrant” Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Rallies after rallies are being held across Canada in solidarity with the people facing a Russian onslaught on the ground.  

However, such massive outrage remains missing whenever Palestinians come under attack from Israel. The Israeli occupation of Palestine has continued for years, while Canadian politicians have largely looked away. BC politicians are no exception. Even the NDP government, which has many members from labour backgrounds and from trade unions that often preach international solidarity chose to ignore their cause.  

The ongoing demand to ban Israeli wines from BC liquor stores has been conveniently overlooked. In fact, Palestine activist Hanna Kawas, who has been picketing outside liquor stores for years as part of the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, was told by someone in the government that it was a question of “free choice”. Wow. That unwritten rule appears to have been thrown out of window in support of Ukraine.  For the record, the then BC Liberal government did not ban US liquor back in 2003 when our neighbours next door attacked Iraq. 

In contrast to Ukrainians, who are portrayed as heroes while packing off from Canada and traveling back to defend their homeland, BDS has mostly received hostile press. Palestinians trying to rise up against repression remain potential terrorsists in the eyes of many Canadians, whereas Ukrainians' resistance is being romanticised.  

If this doesn’t display the double-speak, then what does?  

Nevertheless, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. Most BC politicians of Indian origin have also remained silent on the repression of the Indian state against the people of Kashmir and other parts of that nation. Attacks on religious minorities, especially Muslims and Christians, have grown under a right wing Hindu nationalist government in New Delhi, but neither Horgan nor his Indo-Canadian colleagues have ever dared to stand up against brutes in India, The one exception was during the recently concluded farmers’ agitation, when thousands of farmers protested outside New Delhi against unjust farm laws which were finally revoked after their yearlong struggle in 2021.    

The only argument they offer is that it is a federal matter. Again, if that is the case, why jump the Ukrainian bandwagon when the federal government is already speaking about it? 

Why such selectivity? I have no answer. Is it racism as Ukrainians are Europeans, while Palestinians and India minorities are not? Or is it because Israel and India have well-oiled propaganda machines with tentacles spread in Canada? Only Horgan or Falcon can tell.  



Jennifer Sherif is among the two recipients of the annual Hands Against Racism campaign awards.   

Started by Burnaby-based Spice Radio, on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. in 2015, the anti-racism initiative has entered its eighth year.    

As part of this campaign, the radio station honours individuals who have done anti-racism work, at the annual event which is often organized close to Holi, an Indian festival of colours that binds together people of different ethnic backgrounds.     

This year, Sherif is being given an award for making special pins in memory of the victims of Indian Residential Schools (IRS). With the recent findings of the unmarked graves of Indigenous children at the former sites of IRS, the issue has come into the limelight internationally.  

Sherif’s pins represent the orange shirt taken away from Phyllis Webstad, an indigenous child who went to the IRS. Following the discoveries of unmarked graves, people in Canada began sporting orange shirts to show their solidarity with the First Nations.    

An indigenous educator, Sherif was also instrumental behind an online petition asking for a statutory holiday on the National Aboriginal Day.  It has received more than 36,000 signatures.  

In a virtual event to be held at 12 pm on Saturday, March 19, a day after Holi, Sherif will receive the award by Spice Radio CEO Shushma Datt.   (Those who want to watch the entire program can go to the radio station’s Facebook page.)   

Datt separately wore the pin and thanked Sherif’s community of Tsalagi Nation on social media.  

Sherry Duggal, a prominent performing artist, will read a poem dedicated to the children of IRS on the occasion.  

The second recipient is Annie Ohana, a renowned anti-racism educator and social justice activist.  

Ohana has been a part of many grassroots level movements and is a strong defender of human rights. She has been a tireless ally of indigenous communities, immigrants and refugees, and other marginalised groups.  

Datt’s interviews with the two recipients will be major highlights of the annual event, which will be joined by several other distinguished personalities, such as BC Parliamentary Secretary for anti-racism initiatives Rachna Singh, climate justice activist Donna Clark, Hijab-wearing Muslim feminist Dr. Nazia Niazi, and students associated with Ohana’s Mustang Justice movement. 

This year’s campaign went global, as well known participants from faraway places like England and India sent in pictures with their hands up in the air. Among them were Ravi Singh, the CEO of Khalsa Aid, an international humanitarian organization, award winning Punjabi author Balbir Madhopuri, filmmaker Rajeev Kumar, and much acclaimed differently-abled youth role model and champions in various fields Yashveer Goyal.